Frenchstone Masonry


The Sydney Morning Herald's article about a Freshwater Beach residence in Sydney's northern suburbs commends
French Stonemasonry Pty Ltd with this writeup :

All they had to do was find someone skilled in the ancient craft of stonemasonry. French Stonemasonry Pty Ltd fitted the bill. "There aren't many stonemasons these days who can turn up to a rocky hillside and say 'not a problem'" says Macens. "Most people are not prepared or skilled in the art of quarrying and dressing from scratch".

Sydney Morning Herald July 4th 2001.


Click to read the article

Chris French has had a hand in restoring some of Sydney’s most treasured monuments.

Central Magazine Jul16th 2014


Monument Magazine an acclaimed architecture publication in it's 62nd edition featured French Stonemasonry's expert contribution on a project that has won the 2009 Wilkinson architecture award. French Stonemasonry has been celebrated on this building for it's aesthetic random stone walls.